Thursday, September 3, 2009

Michael Vick...Welcome Back (Officially)

First off, I'd like to congratulate Michael Vick on his official return to the NFL.  Secondly, I believe that if you are an NFL fan, regardless of who your favorite team is, you should be rooting for Michael Vick to succeed.  Here is a guy who clearly messed up, did some things he shouldn't have done, and ran the risk of completely ruining a blessing that VERY few people on this earth get to experience: being paid a shit load of money to do what they love.  But after paying his debt to society, he's back and he's showing the world that he truly appreciates the second opportunity he's being given.  So long as he stays on the right path, I truly believe he deserves the support and blessing of us all rather than the disrespectful jeering and boo's that he's sure to get from rival teams.  He's human, and he's entitled to the second chance we'd all want if we fucked up.

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