Tuesday, February 2, 2010

NBA's National Broadcasts Suck

Apparently, the only way to get on a nationally televised NBA game (TNT/ESPN/ABC) is to play against the Cavs, Lakers, Nuggets, or Celtics.  Every time I turn around, those four teams are the ones who are on TV.  And in some cases, against one another.  I get they're the top of the NBA brass, so to speak, but does the NBA have such little faith in the quality of it it's other teams that it doesn't want to broadcast them nationally?  MLB doesn't do this; yea you're gonna see the Yankees and Red Sox alot but that's by design since there are fucking 162 games.  You'll also see the Pirates, Mariners, Royals, Astros or whoever else is playing.  The NBA seems to have no interest in showing the Grizzlies, who are actually performing very well this year.  Nor the Hawks or Bobcats, two more teams  who are performing particularly better than expected.  As a sports fan, I find this troubling.  While I have no issue paying extra money to see out of market NFL games (due to the importance of each game week in and week out), I'm nowhere near willing to do that for an 82 NBA season where teams are likely to hotdog some of the games.  The NBA needs to figure something out.

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