Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm Glad I'm Not A Celebrity

Seeing Chris Brown publicly defend himself on CNN to people who really have no business giving a fuck about what went on between him and Rhianna made me think.  I'm REALLY happy I'm not forced to live under the same microscope as singers, dancers, actors, rappers, etc.  Can you imagine what TV would be like if Larry King had to interview every guy who smacked up his girlfriend?  That would be unbelievable.  I get that when you become a celebrity, you're opening your life up to the view of the public.  But that, in and of itself, is what rubs me the wrong way.  Their job is to entertain us.  Not to spill their guts about what's going on in their personal lives.  And you may say "well hey, Chris chose to do the interview", and you're right.  But it's not exactly like he REALLY had a choice.  If he didn't talk to Larry, the media and the public in general would have just continued to spin their own versions of what went on between he and his girlfriend.  It would have continued to get published, people would have continued to believe it, and his public image would have taken the same hit.  When you really step back and gain a new perspective on that, isn't it pretty fucking sad how obsessed we (yea, I'm guilty of it too at times) are with the lives of "celebrities"?  I'm willing to bet if we paid as much attention to our own lives, maybe more of us would have our shit together.


Fly X Chromozome said...

The reality is that if i was in that car getting hit while i was driving i would have pop'd her dumb ass too AND made her bounce out the car...chics always wanna provoke a dude but get all shocked when he reacts, step like a dude get hit like a dude.

Striggity said...

Yea it sucked that everyone threw their two cents in without knowing what happened to drive Chris to hit her. Not that I'm saying I condone hitting a female, but like you said...sometimes, a chick bites off more than they can chew.