Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why Don't We Have A PETH?

Let it be known that I love animals as much as the next person. My family has always had cats for pets, I'd love to get a dog (so long as it's not too big), and I try to visit the zoo when I can. Animals rock. So I can appreciate and organization like PETA. But due to the Michael Vick issue, there are talks that NFL teams are balking at signing him because they don't want the negative publicity and PETA protesting that's sure to follow.

I would understand that ONLY if there was a group who stood up for humans as strongly as PETA stands up for animals. Why don't we have that? I mean, let's really think about this logically. Michael Vick went to jail for 2 years for involving himself in dog killing. Donté Lamar Stallworth killed an actual human and wasn't even in jail for 3 weeks. And if Goodell decides he wants to let him in again, I doubt there will be 'human rights protests' in the stands during the games.

It's bad enough that PETA is overly aggressive with their message as it is, but the fact that corporations fear them so much to shy away from someone who's already served their debt to society is a tad bit troubling to me. I love dogs and all, and yea Vick was wrong, but the man has to start over sometime. If I see so much as one sign or one protest during his return to the NFL I'm going to scream.


Jacque said...

Yay, you're on blogger! It's better than wordpress!

Oh yeah I hate PETA too! Their methods are disgusting...

Striggity said...

Haha, yea I decided to give it a try, because I use every other google service and felt I might as well check this out. lol.

But yes, PETA needs to sit down and STFU.