Saturday, July 3, 2010

This 3D TV Thing Is So Fucking Stupid

The fine people of Japan have proven to be smarter than us yet again, as a new survey shows that over 70% of them have zero interest in 3D Television.  This is in contrast to American marketing, which seems determined to place a 3D television into our homes as soon as possible.  It's bad enough that you can't go to theaters without being smacked in the face with a new 3D movie.  Now we're seeing television shows, Blu-Ray releases, even sporting programs being offered in 3D.  Taking a modest novelty and spinning into a full blown (and expensive) product line is a huge mistake.  While the "look-it's-a-shiny-new-product-so-I-must-buy" mentality will produce sales for a short bit, eventually it'll occur to everyone that we're JUST collectively transitioning from analog to high definition.  3D is not a desirable enough amenity to justify the thousands of dollars you'll need to pony up in order to enjoy.  Plus, sitting around the house wearing 3D glasses watching your TV makes you look like a fucking douche anyway.

1 comment:

3D TV Review said...

Thank you for the 3d tv info .....

Three Dimensional home television programing is going to be the next big thing since HD and Blueray! Computer users have been cutting their teeth with 3D for a year, with Nvidia’s 3D technology but it has not reached the mass market yet.

With more and more films being made in 3D it is only a matter of time before this technology reaches the wide market place. 3D has undergone a tremendous resurrection in the public’s consciousness. Block busters such as Avatar, paved the way introducing new technology to film makers.

This year alone in Hollywood movies you will see close to 80 films in 3D HD come out.

Companies such as Sony, Samsung, and LG are making 3D televisions right now for consumers homes.