Wednesday, July 14, 2010

RIM Needs To STFU And Sit Down

This is the new BlackBerry Curve.  It's scheduled to release soon with T-Mobile.  The problem with this phone?  Aside from looking almost exactly like the Curve that's currently offered?  It has NO new features or capabilities.  NONE.  Oh, wait.  Yes it does.  Now it comes with 3G data connection (something that no phone past the year of 2008 should be without in the first place, but whatever).  So they're practically RE-RELEASING the same exact phone, only with a slightly shinier coat.  At least when Apple re-releases the iPhone, there's something new to entice buyers.  I can't see a single reason for anyone to buy this Curve if they have either of the previous two.  Aside from the fact that maybe their old one is beat up.

RIM is seriously losing in the smartphone market.  It'll never show in their bottom line because they have countless business contracts and business people like them.  But to the consumers and in the public eye, BlackBerry's have gone from the "cool" phone to have to almost an after thought.  Verizon is pushing Android in our face and AT&T might as well not offer anything besides the iPhone.  It's really one or the other.  RIM's antiquated OS is looking more and more obsolete with every subsequent iOS/Android update and I don't think they have it in them to come up with anything that can compete.  I bought my first BlackBerry in 2005 and I can name five MEANINGFUL updates they've done since then.
  1. 3G
  2. MMS
  3. Apps (worst of the the three)
  4. Media Player (worst of the three)
  5. Camera
Aside from these additions, what has RIM brought to the table that other phones haven't done already?  NOTHING.

I stuck with my BlackBerry for as long as I possibly could before switching to something else.  But after finally seeing what else was out there, I know for a fact I couldn't go back.  And I don't think RIM could ever produce something to change my mind.  That's sad.

Picture courtesy of BGR

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