Friday, June 25, 2010

This Whole iPhone 4 Broo-hah-hah

The internet has already jumped on all the problems people are having with the iPhone 4.  Since the phone has been officially available to the public for less than 48 hours, I'm not gonna jump on Apple too much because that's to be expected anytime a new tech device hits the market.  My issue is more about Apple's insistence on being one of the worse companies in terms of policy and how they deal with their (sometimes questionably) loyal customers.

The two main issues with the phone so far are actually pretty big.  The first being the discoloration of the phone's display.  This is magnified by the fact that the so-called "Retina Display" is among the phone's biggest selling points.  The issue is blamed on a manufacturing oddity that should (maybe) correct itself in a short amount of time.  But after braving lines, pre-order madness and dropping loads of dough on this hyped new device, that's something customers shouldn't have to deal with in my eyes and it shows a poor sense of oversight on Apple's part.  The bigger issue is the reception problems that stems from covering the left side of the phone with your hand while using it.  Apple has acknowledged the issue and has basically told customers to either "stop holding it that way" or "shell out $29 bucks for a case that prevents you from having to hold it and block the antenna."

Are.  They.  Fucking.  Serious?

So you ship a phone that you KNOW has a reception issue (already a sore spot with iPhone owners, but that's a whole 'nother issue), and your answer is to muck it up or keep it moving?  That is unacceptable.  The sad part is people are so enamored with their Jesus phone that they won't even see the wrong in this situation.  They'll continue to play by Apple's rules, giving them passes on every transgression they heap upon them.  Apple needs to understand one thing:  they are no longer the big man on campus.  The Droid Incredible was already bad enough, but the Droid X is about to drop in a month or so and that could seriously eat the iPhone's lunch.  People are open to things other than iPhones now.  They can no longer act like their phones will sell themselves.

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