Monday, June 14, 2010

It Finally Happened. I've Crossed Over To The Darkside

You can ask anyone who knows me.  I've been a pretty anti-apple kinda person for quite some time now.  I've owned a smart phone for the better part of the last 5 years and never once considered Apple's offering.  I've bounced around between Blackberry, Android, even a Sidekick (rofl @ me, I know).  But I worked my ass off to steer clear of the Jesus Phone.  Part of that was because I was turned off by the snobby, elitist attitudes of iPhone owners (and apple fans in general).  And while that clearly doesn't apply to everyone, even the most levelheaded of apple users can't deny the pretentious nature of a lot of apple enthusiasts.  Another reason was my distaste for some of apple's business practices.  Strong arming developers and needlessly denying apps for stupid reasons doesn't seem too cool to me.  Then there was the fact that AT&T's network is pretty much ass cheeks.  But low and behold, the iPhone 4 is upon us and despite being the leading cell phone in the US for years now, it's FINALLY caught up to the other smart phones.  The copy and paste debacle is behind us, the OS has multitasking (gasp), and the phone itself has even been given an aesthetic makeover.  I tried not to fall for the hype, but I couldn't help myself.  I simply had to admit it: the new iPhone is pretty damn sweet.  My newfound tolerance for apple products even translated to a hands on w/ the iPad (a product I've trashed viciously on this very here blog in the past) and I found myself taking a liking to THAT device as well!  What the fuck has Steve Jobs done to me?!?  I guess it's one of those things that's just inevitable in life.  You can avoid it or delay it, but it's going to happen.  The iPhone will call you and when it does, you'll be powerless.  So long Android.  It's been real. 

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