Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lost: Is It The Best Show Ever?

I'm the worst blogger in America.  I know. But we can get into that another time.  Right now I have to focus on what is easily the best show I've ever watched in Lost.  I was very late to hop on the bandwagon; I had to watch Season 1-5 on Netflix and managed to catch up 2 weeks into season 6.  I've been watching the new episodes on Tuesday nights ever since.  There are so many wild theories floating on the internet and at times I've even found myself coming up with a few.  I 100% feel that so long as the writers deliver a satisfying ending (which I'm almost positive they will), Lost will go down as the best show in the history of television.  But there are some things they absolutely MUST do in order for this to happen.
  • They absolutely have to explain the deal with Walt.  I get they couldn't keep him on the show due to his abrupt growth spurt, and I commend them for not bailing out with a lame recast.  But his storyline drove the show for a whole season, they can't just back out of that.  A few interviews with the writers have hinted at this, so at least that shows they're aware of the loose end they've left themselves with. 
  • No "duex-ex machina" crap.  You know, pulling new facts and details out of the air to force things into making sense.  Thus far, there has been NONE of that, which is commendable for a show this convoluted.  Everything has happened for a reason and has been a direct (or indirect) consequence of something else.  
  • Explain the deal with Christian.  As someone who loves theories, I believe Christian was just another dead body the Smoke Monster took before taking Locke's.  This has never been confirmed or denied (or even addressed) in the show, but it makes sense.  I need to know!
  • Sayid and Claire are apparently suffering from this "sickness" the French chick babbled about for so long. But aside from just seeming weird and foreboding, they've kinda been pushed to the back of the story.  I'd like to understand their role in the events that are about to take place.  
There are so many other little tidbits that I remember from the show but these are the main ones I'd like addressed.  These last few weeks I'm gonna make it a point to jot down what I think about where the show is going.  So far I'm very pleased.  It'd take ALOT for them to ruin this momentum.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree on these.

I can live without a full explanation on Walt as long as they just say what they captured him for.

On the second point, I always thought the Man in Black was a cop out story device. Jacob was around early, but you never heard of the Smoke Monster man until Season 5 finale. I always wondered if they created him to be the "man form of Smoke" to explain the smoke itself because, what the hell else could it be if not a demon in hell/purgatory.

Speaking of Smokie - I need to know why he can't fly OVER the sonic fences, the Losties climbed over it in Season 3..its the walking thru on the full blast part that will kill you. They probably wont' explain that.

But I think the fact that you can have a show for 5 seasons will million of people watching and STILL be suspenseful and have people wondering is amazing. I'd say its the best show of all time just on that fact alone.