Thursday, February 25, 2010

This Whole Tiger Woods Bru-Hah-Hah

Now that I've had about a week or so to digest this "Tiger press conference" thing, I've got some thoughts about it I'd like to get out of my system.  First of all, I'd like to go on record by saying I seriously do not give a shit how many women he's slept with, how long he's been cheating, or any of that.  His life is not my business.  What he eats doesn't make me shit.  Insert more witty cliche's if you like.  That said, I think both sides of the equation dropped the ball here.  And I'll explain why.

Why Tiger dropped the ball: Dude, you are a billionaire athelete, you are arguably (but not really, everyone knows) the greatest golfer to ever live. Why are you explaining yourself to anyone other than your wife?  Yea I know you're a public figure, but things like this are only as big as you allow them to be.  If you and your wife had came before a camera the day after the crash and just been like "look, everything is cool", you woulda had the freedom to fix this, in private, however you saw fit.  The media and public hounded you because you  kept it a secret.  Three months of secracy brought on the perceived need for this "press conference".  You brought this on yourself, dude.

Why the media/public dropped the ball:  Let's be real with ourselves.  Are our lives that boring and meaningless that we have to make a huge deal of Tiger's life?  This can be applied to the personal life of any public figure but it seemed to go into overdrive with this Tiger thing.  The age we're living in makes information almost inescapable, but between news articles, news segments, blog pieces, etc, everyone on the planet had something to say about Tiger and how wrong he was.  Sad part is, the people who are so busy judging him are probably guilty of the same sins, if not worse.  Unless you've somehow managed to live a perfect life, you have no right to say what Tiger did was wrong.  It's not your business anyway.  Let he and his wife work this out. 

All things considered, I hope Tiger is able to return to the sport and continue his prominent career.  His image may be shot, but who cares about image anyway?  Image is overrated because it's 100% dependent on what others think.  If he's satisfied with his own life and has the respect of those who matter, some shitfaced, know it all blogger should mean nothing.  Live your life, Eldrick.  You're human just like the rest of us. 

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