Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This Pat Robertson Guy

I understand we have this whole "freedom of speech" thing going on in our country.  And I also understand that Pat Robertson (for the most part), is limited to a specific audience who chooses to listen to him.  But in this day and age, it takes little effort and even less time for outrageous comments to reach the masses.  Perfect example: he uses his 700 Club show to blame Haiti's pact with the devil for the terrible earthquake that recently hit the nation.  I also remember him making similar comments about Hurricane Katrina victims a few years back.  So am I surprised? Not really.  Am I appalled? Pretty much.  The sad part is while he is the man taking the heat for these out of line comments, I'm sure there are many people in this country (maybe even those we interact with everyday) who share his same sentiments.  That to me is far more troubling than the fact that this schmuck has a television show. 


Anonymous said...

Silly old fart isn't he? I've never liked his show but when he claimed everyone who read Harry Potter books and J.K Rowling was going to hell. Evidently he has something against Dan Brown.

Striggity said...


Tammy-Jade™ said...

He needs to die. Hope someone in Haiti does some voodoo on him. Muhahaha