Friday, January 8, 2010

GameFly Needs To Tighten The Fuck Up

GameFly is nowhere close to being new, and it's definitely not innovative.  But I only recently decided to sign myself up as a customer.  While the idea of a nonstop stream of video games is appealing, they are dangerously close to losing my subscription.  First of all, they only have four shipping centers, so there is a two day lag between shipping/receiving on both ends.  Meaning you put a game in the mail Monday, they receiver it Wednesday, you get your replacement Friday.  Basically an entire week with nothing to play.  Netflix, on the other hand, barely ever takes longer than one day.  Movie in the mail Monday, replacement by Wednesday.  And you can always stream shit online to hold you over till then.  Second of all, the number of games in stock is apparently super slim.  I got sent the 6th game on my list last week.  There was one point where NOTHING on my list (29 games long) was guaranteed to ship.  I would expect that for something like Modern Warfare 2, but I couldn't even get Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, which was once offered for free as a bundle game.  Being that the price is damn near twice what you'll pay for Netflix (a far better service overall), the least they could do was keep games in stock.  Yes, I know games cost way more than DVD's, but Netflix didn't see too big of a hit in service when they started offering Blu-Rays; which aren't exactly cheap.  I'll hold onto GameFly for a tad bit longer, but if I continue sitting around waiting for games to come, I'm canceling!

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