Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Apple iPad

I am a self proclaimed technology geek.  I get hyped up over just about every new product.  But for some reason, I can't seem to shake the feeling that the iPad is a pretty weird choice for a product.  Think about it.  If someone has an iPhone, buying an iPad would be a complete waste of money, since they're gonna do practically the same thing.  The iPhone would actually be the ideal device since it's smaller, more portable, and doubles as a phone.  The iPad would then only appeal to someone who hasn't purchased an iPhone yet.  Unfortunately for Apple, that's not very many people, since the iPhone is the biggest selling phone in the country.  Who exactly is your target audience then?  Polls don't lie.

Update: Gizmodo completely ripped the iPad for a number of reasons, all of which are rational and pretty irrefutable.  Sorry apple, can't get by on good looks this time.

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