Monday, November 23, 2009

Adam Lambert...

Since I don't watch American Idol, I have never ever heard of Adam Lambert.  So I found it intriguing that he'd be given the honor of closing out the American Music Awards.  But I'm now beginning to understand that these awards shows are less about the awards (and those who win them) then they are about pushing the envelope with performances and theatrics.  Adam Lambert's finale is proof of that very fact.  His song was astonishingly mediocre and his vocal performance was borderline unbearable (bringing into question how he managed to win American Idol anyway, but whatever).  But thanks to humping one dudes face and tongue kissing another dude, he's an internet phenom and a huge ratings hit for ABC.  Kinda sad, really.  An awards show dedicated to the celebration of good music chooses such a shallow way to represent itself.  The day one of these shock value moments degrades the Grammy's is the day I will really begin to express a concern.

UPDATE: I've been informed that this young man didn't actually win Americal Idol, but was just a finalist.  Either way, you get my point.


Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more.


Tammy-Jade™ said...

What I don't get is how Eminem and T.I made it into the POP/ROCK Genre with MJ.

Neesh B Fly said...

My Mom is in Love with him...