Saturday, October 3, 2009

How To: Eat Laffy Taffy w/o Breaking Most, All Of Your Teeth

If you walk into a 7-11, you're likely to come across the longer (pause) Laffy Taffy bars (pause).  I like these better than the smaller ones because they come in better flavors.  But they're often entirely too hard to chew (pause).  So what's the remedy, you say? EASY!! Buy one of them on a day when the temperature is set to hit between 60-70 degrees (no hotter, trust me).  Leave it in the car for about an hour or two.  By the time you get around to grabbing it, it will have softened considerably and you should be able to chew it with no problem (LOL pause!).  Any hotter, or any longer in the car, and it'll become a goey, un eatable mess that'll just stick to your fingers everytime you try and grab it out the wrapper.  No bueno.

So there you have it.  Good luck and happy Taffy eatin'.

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