Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just Ordered My Blackberry Tour

All that stuff I talked about swapping my Blackberry for an Android device?  Yea...scratch that.

Update: They didn't ship it until this morning, so I won't get it until tomorrow. NOT COOL!! :-(

Update 2:  OK, I've had the phone for about 4 hours now, after downloading some apps, importing my address book, and tweaking my settings, I can honestly say this is the best phone I've ever used.  That may sound real bold and hyperbolic, but I'm so serious.  The 3G data speed is awesome, the phone itself runs a really smooth, snappy OS.  And it's just plain sexy to look at.  Crackberry till I die, ho.


Kate said...

That is super hot! I want one now :)

Striggity said...

LOL, I'd recommend this phone to anyone who isn't satisfied with regular flip phones. :-)