Friday, August 28, 2009

Glove Compartments

I got pulled over earlier today. And during the whole predictable routine that ensues afterwards, the officer asks me for my license and registration to which I replied "sure, let me get it from my glove compartment." In the moments that followed, I had a pretty interesting thought that I'm sure many people had before, and while waiting for the cop to run my information and write up my ticket (which I won't be paying), I was able to come to a pretty profound conclusion: the term glove compartment is fucking retarded.

For one thing, no one I know has ever placed their gloves in the glove compartment. Ever. But let's assume for one minute that we were actually supposed to put our gloves there. And lets think about this logically. When do we wear gloves? Primarily in the winter time when it's cold. When do people primarily operate their vehicles? Usually between the hours of 7am-7pm (taking into account pre/post work errands, and the typical 9-5 schedule). So it would make sense to think that the coldest part of a winter day (the overnight period, when our cars are parked), our gloves would be waiting for us in our glove compartment. Because that's where we're supposed to put them, right? Well, during the winter, temperatures dip as low as 10 degrees overnight, usually lower. Do you wanna wake up in the morning when it's already your cold car door with your bare hands, only to put on a pair of gloves that have been sitting in an ice cold car?

I. Don't. Fucking. Think. So.

I'm glad to know that no one puts their gloves in the glove compartment. But for the glove compartment to be named so in the first place, SOMEONE must have thought it was a good idea. That person needs to be shot and killed (if they haven't died already).

1 comment:

Fly X Chromozome said...

According to the BBC Four programmer "Penelope Keith and the Fast Lady" it was Dorothy Levitt who first coined the phrase 'glove compartment' as she advised motorists to carry a number of pairs of gloves to deal with many eventualities.

WTF? It would be a woman to start that mess up lol.