Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Job = Password Nazi's

I forgot my password to the payroll website at my job.  Now I have to come up with a new password, a process I completely dread because the criteria they've set up are absolutely asinine.  They are as follows:

  • have at least 6 character(s).
  • not be longer than 8 characters.
  • begin with a letter.
  • not contain your profile ID or name.
  • not be an old password.
  • not have more than 2 pair(s) of repeating characters.
  • only contain letters and numbers, not symbols.
  • end with a letter.
I mean, is it really necessary to have all of these conditions?  I try and keep the same password across all platforms/websites to keep myself from forgetting things but these stupid criteria make that impossible. It's the very reason I forgot mine in the first place; I'm forced to come up with some crazy ridiculous password every 3 months (and yea the system forces you out when that time is up, doesn't even give you the option to change it ahead of time).  I'm all for job place security but this is retarded.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually it's not safe to use one password for all your accounts (even though I do it, but I'm getting better)I saw a great tip online, pick a phrase or saying you like. Hm..Like I love The Beatles so my phrase would be Fuck I Love The Beatles (lol) or longer, and then take the beginning of those letters of your phrase 'FILTB' and then take the first letter of the website you use and add the letter to it. (It's easier than I explained it)
Wordpress- WFILTB or WPFILTB
Bank of America- BOAFILTB76678
..add numbers and shit as needed.
Long comment. I know.