Monday, December 28, 2009

Avatar Is Magnificent/Pretty Good

This movie review is gonna be broken down into two separate parts.  As you read, you'll understand why I decided to do so. 

Visuals/Effects/Symbolism - James Cameron's vision is brought to life in a pretty epic way.  Truth be told, the movie is a beauty to look at.  It may be one of the best looking films I've ever seen.  ALMOST to the point of being overwhelmingly beautiful, like the special effects crew weren't sure if you'd get the idea of how awesome this shit was, so they turned it up a few notches.  The visuals don't detract from the overall joy of the movie so it's cool.  Just the way the planet, the race, culture, and language was seemingly created from nothing, it's extremely impressive.  During the first act and a half, you'll find yourself completely awestruck. 

Storyline/Script - The first thing you'll notice is Jake (the main character) is a bumbling idiot.  I found myself 100% turned off from his character in the beginning of the movie.  He was irrationally insubordinate and difficult for no reason, and seemed to do the exact opposite of what would make sense. ALL THE TIME.  And some of his dialogue was corny.  But of course, he takes the normal transition of character you kinda don't care about to the noble guy who does and says all the right things in the end.  Which overall may be my one issue with the movie.  The story is engaging, but it's pretty predictable.  It's almost like you know how it'll turn out and you're just waiting 2.5 hours to get there.  But I will say this, James Cameron did a good job making it one hell of a ride.  Having seen the movie once, I wouldn't mind seeing it once more.  Maybe this time in iMAX or something.  Is it worth all the hype and accolades?  I dunno, but there are far worse ways to spend $40 in a movie theater. 

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