Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Baby Mamas/Daddies

While there's definitely nothing new about the single parent household, it seems these days it's more rampant than ever.  I can't turn around without seeing young people (barely out of high school, more than likely not in college) with children.  Sometimes multiple children.  Sometimes by multiple partners.  I'm far from a preachy individual who judges others based on their choices, but bringing children into this world when you're not in the ideal situation to raise them properly is irresponsible beyond belief.  And the truth is when you're young, alone, uneducated and without a worthwhile form of income (like LOTS of young folks are who wind up pregnant), you're not only putting yourself in a fucked up situation, you're putting that KID in a fucked up situation.  I know there are millions of young single parents w/ their heads on straight who provide a lovely life for their offspring; probably better than the life I had w/ two working parents.  Obviously, they're not the ones I'm addressing.  But to the rest of you, get your shit straight.  Wear condoms or stop fucking.


Striggity said...

glad i'm not the only one who feels this way. :-)

Kate said...

Couldn't have said it better myself!