Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm Boycotting Apple

You may or may not be aware of this little broo-hah-hah that's been going on between Apple and Google regarding the Google Voice app. Since I don't feel like getting into details, let's just say Apple hasn't exactly been playing nice with Google in their efforts to get the app to iPhone users. It's become a pretty big mess that's also done alot to expose some of the shadier business practices of Apple and 'nem. Long story short, Apple's app approval process has been called into question by the FCC. Quality apps are getting delayed/rejected while stupid, pointless apps wind up on national commercials (fist bumping contact info? cool!) Apple's decision to disregard the best interest of the customers who drop tons of cash into their pockets has left a bad taste in my mouth. That said, I'm boycotting Apple and their products/services. Starting with the iPod.

I never thought I'd say this, but my next MP3 player will not be an iPod; oh no. It will be a Zune. I can hear you laughing from behind my monitor, but allow me to explain. Yes, the previous Zune models have been ugly bricks that I wouldn't be caught dead with. But the Zune HD is one beautiful piece of hardware that has almost unanimously been dubbed as a possible iPod killer. At the very least, it's a worthy opponent to the iPod Touch that not only offers new features, but costs less. So Apple, you can kiss my money goodbye and go to hell.


jakefromthebean said...

question....can u listen to the raido on a zune?

Striggity said...

actually, i believe you can. Yes. :)