Saturday, January 9, 2010

Luke Wilson And Those Awful AT&T Commercials

I like Luke Wilson, I really do.  But I'm so sick of seeing him in these damn AT&T commercials.  Not because I dislike him, but I dislike the commercials.  And since he is in them, I'm now sick of seeing him.  The commercials are absolutely pointless if you think about it.  Here's what these commercials have taught me:
  1. AT&T serves 93 million people in the US.
  2. AT&T's 3G service is "supposedly" (read: subjectively) faster than Verizon's.
  3. AT&T allows you to talk and surf the web at the same time.
  4. AT&T lets you keep your unused minutes (swear I didn't know that before)
  5. AT&T has the iPhone.
Of all these cool tidbits, which one refutes Verizon's claim that their 3G coverage is far greater than yours?  Oh, I didn't think so. 


Anonymous said...

The commercials are repetitive and boring, but I love Luke Wilson. Mute button and staring is a great combination.

cum.lover said...

Luke Wilson is absolutely to die for, so I'd watch him till the cows come home. I despise AT&T, however (story too long for here, but bottom line, they claimed incorrectly that I owed them $850.00+; I refused to pay; they turned the matter over to a collection agency; yahda yahda yahda; I hired a lawyer), & so I'll be thinking evil thoughts on their house & lineage forever!